Good afternoon people who are always learning
I believe that we should never stop learning. The reality is none of us will ever get to a place where we know everything there is to know; not even close. Are you intentional about learning?
I believe we must focus on learning the right things. Sure there is the natural side of life that we can and we should keep learning in. If you want to be a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer, there will be things that you have to learn. Then there’s also the need to generally acquire knowledge about life and how it works; this comes with age but again, we need to be intentional about this.
But this morning I want to point our attention to the greatest things we should always be intentionally learning.
Firstly we must be learning more about God; this is foundational to our existence. How we see God has a direct correlation to how we accept ourselves. We learn most about God through a relationship with Him. This includes walking and talking with Him. It includes listening more than we speak. It includes being aware of and living under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit every moment of every day.
Secondly we must be learning more about God’s Word; this is foundational to us understanding God Himself as well as understanding how He wants us to live. God’s Word should be the Book we read the most and meditate on the most. It needs to be devoured by every Believer. It must become the greatest source of our knowledge, wisdom and understanding. It must shape our philosophies and doctrine. We can and we must be constantly learning from God’s precious Word.
How’s your learning going? Do you need to read more, listen more or obey more? I know I do.
Further Reading: Psalm 119:11,105, The WHOLE book of Proverbs (enjoy!)