Good morning people who want to go deeper
I want to celebrate what God has been doing this last twelve months. I have loved the journey of learning with you as well as simply being reminded about God’s goodness and His never-changing love for us. May we never forget the simple truths of God’s precious Word that lead us forward in that love and truth.
My desire is to go deeper. In fact, I believe it’s time for us all to go deeper; deeper in our knowledge, our understanding and our application.
Knowledge is essential yet knowledge and understanding are different. We can know and recite a medical fact and yet not understand how it works or what it is. We can know and recite truths from God’s Word and yet not understand the depth of the truth that is contained in the words that we have learned. It’s time to know and it’s time to understand.
The purpose of knowledge and understanding is application. How much of what we know and understand from the Word do we do?
Isaiah 2:3 He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.
John 8:31-32 So Jesus said to those who believed in him, “If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Let’s continue to learn together. Let’s continue to go from milk to the meat of God’s Word. Let’s continue to be ones who put into practice what the Spirit of God reveals to us. Let’s continue to honour God with our lives.