#3429 – Helpful Counsel

Good morning people who turn to the right people for counsel and advice

As we continue to lean into ‘With revelation comes resistance’, it is imperative that we talk about who we get counsel from.

The reason for this is, there’s one thing worse than having no counsel, and that is having bad counsel.

Helpful, godly, wise counsel is not normally found in a group of peers who just have the same desire as you. Even with good intentions, it is easy for friends to speak emotively rather than wisely. Many times, good friends can give bad counsel, albeit unintentionally.

Among my counsellors over the years, my parents are consistently there, as well as other senior people in the Body of Christ, including my pastors. Of course, my wife is number one on this list, not just because she is my wife and we make all major decisions together, but because her wisdom is second to none.

The point I feel Father is highlighting is the need to have several counsellors, but to ensure they are the right ones to empower you to move forward with God.