#3428 – Wise Counsel

Good morning people who seek out one who will speak the truth in love

I was about to move on from the statement ‘With revelation comes resistance’, but Father has more to say.

Resistance is not evidence that you have got it wrong. Too often we misdiagnose what is happening. Many times resistance is actually evidence that we are on the right track; that we are hearing God.

That said, we can be equally guilty of ignoring evidence that God is using to get our attention that we are off track.

“So how do we know if it is God or not?”

Great question!

Although there are many things that could be said here, I feel drawn towards the need to ask for, listen to and heed wise counsel from those who love us.

Proverbs 15:22 NIV Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Let me talk about this a little more tomorrow.