Good morning people who trust in God
Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way.
When we are fully submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, I believe God is in control of where we are going and the time it takes to get there.
God is never late and He is never early; He is always on time. Yet many times in our lives we think His timing is off.
Many times we feel God’s timing is too slow. Due to God’s sovereignty He knows what needs to be accomplished in our lives and how long it will take. Many times He allows something to take longer than what we would like because of the work He wants to do in us; many times this work is in response to our prayer for God to make us more like Him. If we rush God’s timing we may place ourselves in a situation that was God’s intention but it may be before we are ready. Don’t rush God’s timing.
Some times we feel God’s timing is too fast. This is often the case with reluctant leaders. Many times we have good hearts; we take our responsibility seriously and we want to honour the call. But God knows what we have in us, our capacity, and He knows what it will take to draw the best out of us. If we know our calling and we feel God is saying “Now” but we don’t feel ready; step out and trust that God knows what He is doing.
God knows best and we need to trust Him and allow Him to set the pace as well as the direction. Our wonderful Father is always on time.