#3418 – Keep Moving

Good morning people who don’t stop moving when they have questions

Imperfect, but moving.

Sometimes people stop moving forward because things are imperfect.

Today I’m reminded of a story from the Bible. In this story, a man had a troubled son and he brought him to Jesus out of desperation.

Jesus asked the man if he believed He could heal his son. This is the father’s response:

Mark 9:24 NIV Immediately the boys father exclaimed, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!

Like many of us, this man had a measure of belief in what Jesus could do, but his faith was imperfect. Yet He still went to Jesus; he moved towards Him; his faith was imperfect, but moving.

And today we can do the same. Maybe you have questions, doubts, fears, unrealized dreams and expectations. That’s ok. Things may be imperfect, but please, keep moving towards God.