#3392 – Uncontainable God

Good morning people who cannot define or contain our limitless God

Isaiah 40:12 NIV Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?

God is far from small – in fact, He is immeasurable!

Sometimes it’s just good to get perspective on the God who we love, serve and walk with.

Astrologers continue to find “new” galaxies, solar systems and stars (honestly, I don’t know all the technical terms of what they are discovering). Their conclusion is, “WOW!!!”, yet for many of them, they praise the creation, not the Creator.

Yet the truth is, God holds it all – that’s right, every single “thing” in existence, for as many million, billion, trillion light years away as it is to us here – and He holds it in the breadth of His hand!

There is no human measurement or point of reference to how uncontainable and how indescribable our God is!

Today, let’s just take a moment to meditate on our God through the lens of this verse.