#3363 – God or Ourselves

Good morning people who live for God or for themselves

Proverbs 21:2-3 NIV A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

I have a question for us today:

“Are we doing what Father has told us to do?”

I’m hearing too much about people discovering what they want to do; finding their passion; fulfilling their purpose; using their gifts…

…but it’s actually about God and knowing and walking in His plans and purposes for our lives, which is firstly to love Him with everything, and secondly to do the ‘good works’ He tells us to do.

And when it comes to gifts, they are not our gifts, they are called the gifts of God! God’s gifts are on loan to us; we are stewards of what He continues to own. Even our lives are not our own! 

We don’t get to choose what we want to do – we only get to choose who we follow and serve.

“Will it be ourselves or will it be God?”

It can’t be both.