Good morning God-fearing children of God
In a previous BIY we looked at ‘hating what is evil and clinging to what is good’. I feel God challenging me of late on the need of this in the life of every Believer. Have a look at what Proverbs says about this.
Proverbs 8:13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech.
Sometimes my focus is simply on not doing evil; asking God to help me not do the wrong thing rather than on asking God to change my heart to actually hate it. This verse goes a step further and says if you want to fear the Lord (give reverence and respect to Him) then you must hate evil, not just not do it.
Please don’t think I am just playing with words here. We need the Spirit of God to do a work in us through the Word of God to actually change our desires. We need to continue to love sinners and those who are lost but we must cultivate a hatred for sin.
The reason we need to hate sin is because God does. Sin is the opposite of who God is. He is everything that is holy and righteous and He knows sin separates mankind from Himself. He hates anything that separates us from Him because He loves us and wants to have a close relationship with us. We need to ask for God’s heart; we must cry out to God to help us hate sin.
“Father I ask you to change my heart. Lord I need You to give me a holy hatred for all sin. Father I want to love righteousness and all that is holy. Please do a deep work in me by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus powerful Name, amen.”