#3214 – Good will Come

Good morning people who live lives submitted to the Lordship of Christ

Job 22:21-22 NIV Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart.

God’s way works!

Submission to God is right, and one of the results will be peace in our hearts. Peace comes when we are not fighting against the One Who created us. Submission  is coming under His mission for us; it is living by the words of Jesus in Luke 22:42, “Not My will, but Yours be done”.

A promise here is ‘prosperity’, which in the original language means ‘good’. When we do life God’s way, good will come to us. Remember, everything God made was followed by the statement, “It is good!”

God is the God of goodness, and this is His promise for those who live life in submission to Him.