Good morning good finishers
The Word of God is so practical to our everyday lives. Here’s a great piece of wisdom for us to live our lives by.
2 Corinthians 8:11 Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.
It’s easy to say we are going to do something; it’s another thing entirely to finish a job. Are there tasks that you have told someone you will do and it lies unfinished? Are there projects that you said would be finished in the holidays that you started well but you didn’t complete? How about at work? At Church?
It’s important to finish tasks we start. It’s also important to complete relationships we start. For many an eager willingness at first starts to drift over time and relationships can deteriorate. It takes effort to build relationships. Maybe there is a marriage where your initial eagerness is not matched by your completion of it; giving 100 percent to it and making it work. Maybe it’s your walk with God; there was eagerness at the start but life has gotten you down and now you are drifting.
Today is a day that we can all assess and make a fresh commitment to finish well. With God’s help, we can cross the finish line with honour and integrity.