Good morning children of God
God is a God of love and because He loves, because He is Love, He disciplines His children. Sometimes people think God is all about judgement and punishment; He is not. He is all about love and freedom; therefore He loves us enough to discipline us so that we can walk in freedom.
Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent His rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, as a father the son He delights in.
Parents who love their children will put in boundaries and will follow through with consequences. Why? Because they want their children to enjoy freedom without lots of negative consequences. God loves us the same way.
Discipline is only profitable to those who do not despise it. Many despise and resent discipline and the result is a damaged relationship. This is not God’s intention and desire. I must say it again; God disciplines those He delights in. To quote Andy Stanley again; ‘Boundaries are not a condition of God’s love, they are a confirmation of God’s love’.
Today I encourage every person to be grateful that our wonderful God loves us enough to discipline us when we do wrong. Don’t despise discipline; embrace it and learn from it.