#307 – Good Company

Good morning people who want to become like Jesus

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be mislead: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

There’s a warning in this scripture to be careful who we allow to influence us.

There’s a fine line here because if we aren’t salt and light around ungodly people, who will be? We are to be ‘in the world but not of the world’. The world needs Christians that accurately represent Jesus Christ and as a result of how they live their lives, point people to Him.

But that’s precisely the point. If you are in relationships that are dragging you down and the influence is going negatively from them to you, get out. Some people need to strengthen themselves first before they launch themselves into dark places.

Another principle that we find here is the need to always have good influences in our lives. Even when we are being a positive influence in dark places, we need to ensure our wells are being filled with good positive influences. Yes we must always make God and His precious Word our primary influences, but God is a relational God and He created us for community with others. We need to choose good company to be around so that God, through others, can strengthen us.

We need to evaluate who we hang around with and who is influencing who. We can be the positive influencers of others.