#2308 – Family Tree

Good morning people who have a wonderful restorative God

Sometimes people can look at their dysfunctional family tree, the circumstances surrounding their conception, or the absence of their parents as a result of death or divorce, and wrongly conclude that God’s good plan will never happen in their lives, and that their offspring will never be blessed.

If that is you, I have an encouraging word for you today.

I just started reading through the New Testament again, and that obviously starts in Matthew. Chapter 1 starts with the genealogy of Jesus: His family tree. Clearly, the King of kings had a perfect, or at least, above normal heritage. Right?

Well, quite a few of the men had gross moments of failure, including King David himself. But as I was reading it, I noticed that only five women were mentioned in the heritage of Jesus. Surely they were all fantastic women and their lives were in a perfect little ‘God bubble’? Let me tell you a little about them.

The first mentioned was Tamar: She was married and widowed twice (God struck both of her husbands dead due to their sinfulness), then she was set up to live unmarried for the rest of her life by her father-in-law – until she came up with a plan to pretend to be a prostitute and got pregnant by her father-in-law.

Then we have we have Rahab: She was actually a prostitute.

Next comes Ruth: Although she was a more-godly woman, she was widowed early and went through some major challenges. There was a time she wondered if life would get any better.

Bathsheba was next: She either committed adultery with King David, or more likely was raped by him, and as a result, gave birth to a son who died as a result of David’s sin. Following that, her husband Uriah whom she loved, was killed by King David.

Finally is Mary, the mother of Jesus: She was a pregnant unwed teenager. Sure, we know it was miraculous by the Holy Spirit, but not many people would have believed that back then.

And into this family tree, Jesus was born!

I declare to you today: God is a Restorer and a Redeemer! God can turn devastation into celebration! God can cause a world changer to come from your family!!!