#2296 – Forever And Ever

Good morning people whose lives overflow with gratitude to God

Psalm 106:2 (NIV) Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare His praise?

“When you read this verse, what do you see?” Take a moment and read it again.

Psalm 106:2 (NIV) Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare His praise?

This is what I see: God has done and is doing more good things (mighty acts) than we can ever articulate. No single person or multitude of multitudes, could proclaim all of the things that God has done, God is doing or God will do. This is simply impossible, because they are countless!

“So, if His mighty acts are endless, and He is infinitely and eternally good, can we ever give Him too much praise?”

Absolutely not! God is worthy of Immeasurably more praise than anyone can give!!!

If we were to praises Him continually for all eternity, it would be insufficient to compare with the glory of Who He is and what He has done for us. Oh, wait, that is exactly what we will be doing!!!

I can’t wait to praise and worship my God forever and ever and ever and ever. I can’t wait to praise Him without losing my voice or getting weary. I can’t wait to be completely overwhelmed with the Goodness of Who God is. I can’t wait…

…and nor will I wait! I will praise Him today and tomorrow! I will praise Him on the mountain top and in the valley! I will praise Him when things make sense and when answers allude me! I have made up my mind and I will praise the Lord now and forever!

“Will you join me?”

God is greater than you have ever imagined!