Good morning people who seek to honour God
“Don’t let your life give evidence against your tongue. Sing with your voices…sing also with your conduct.” St Augustine.
This is a challenging saying. Read it again slowly.
Hypocrisy is a sure way to turn people away from God. I don’t want to live this way. That said, I know I will make mistakes, and so will you. But I equally know that when I am yielded to God and keep Him as the centre of my focus, these shortcomings will become less. I also know that a sincere apology and taking responsibility for my sin goes a long way towards being a good example.Today, let’s keep it simple: I ask you to join me in asking God to help us live what we say.
When we say we’ll do something, let’s do it.
When we say we will not do something, let’s not.
When we talk about patience, or kindness, or serving, or forgiving, or respect…let’s not allow our lives to give evidence contrary to what we say.
Let’s be people of integrity.