#1199 – God’s Heart

Good morning people who speak with love

Acts 10:44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.

This verse leapt out at me!

Every Believer has a privilege and a responsibility to share their faith and to preach the good news. Sure it may not be in front of millions like Billy Graham, but we are all called to share the good news in our sphere of influence.

But here’s the part which grabbed me today:

“What is the result of the words that we share?”

Many times people receive judgement, accusation, condemnation and religion when the “good news” is shared. Many people have heard the “good news” only to feel unworthy and second-rate. Many people have heard messages preached in churches which have been seasoned with judgement, not with grace and love.

This is not how it is meant to be.

For starters, it’s called the “good news”. This should be an indication of the type of message we should share and the result in people’s hearts.

Look at what happened when Peter finished sharing what God had told him to say: the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.

This should be the result of our communication about God, the Church, the Bible, the good news