#5757 – Content with Little

Good morning people who measure according to what is important to God.

Proverbs 14:11 MEV The house of the wicked will be overthrown, but the tent of the upright will flourish.

I love how God’s Word can speak to us on multiple levels. God can speak to the crowd and to the individual similataneously. God can speak one truth to one person, while at the same time, speaking a different truth to another. Our God is very good at multi-tasking!

Today, I see something very insightful in this verse, and it is found in the words house and tent.

As I read this verse, I’m drawn to the reality that a house is normally larger than a tent, and a house is more permanent than a tent. For most, a house is better than a tent.

And that got me thinking. Isn’t it true that often we can feel that things seem to go better for some who don’t know Christ, while it can be a struggle for many who do. It can also appear that some wicked people are “flourishing”, while many believers are more familiar with less.

Paul himself talked about the times when he was well-fed, but also times when he was hungry. He talked about seasons of having plenty, but also of being in lack. Maybe you relate to Paul’s confession. But this same Paul said that he had learnt the secret of being content in any and in every season.

How could he do this?

Because Paul absolutely knew that this life is but a vapour and a mist; it is fleeting and it is passing. Therefore, it’s not about the size of what we have here and now, but rather, it is about what we are living for and building for.

Sure, the house of the wicked might look flashy while you are living in a tent, but their house will be overthrown. Your tent will flourish as you set your heart to live according to the righteousness of God! You win!

#5756 – Mess Guaranteed

Good morning people who are willing to walk through mess to see God’s will be done.

Proverbs 14:4 MEV Where no oxen are, the crib is clean; but much increase is by the strength of the ox.

The Christian life is more synonymous with a battle ship than it is a cruise liner. The unfortunate reality is that most of us would understandably prefer the cruise liner to the battle ship.

The imagery seen in the verse today paints a vivid picture. The setting is an agriculture one where you have some oxen. The purpose of the oxen is their strength in what they do. They can achieve a lot more than a person could by themselves. As the scripture says, there is much increase by the strength of the ox.

While the results are wonderful, the process of keeping oxen is not so pleasant. Living things produce mess – literally – and this mess is not nice to clean up. Personally, I have a very weak stomach. Certain smells are offensive to my nose (can anyone relate?).

But without the guarantee of the mess, you cannot have the guarantee of the increase.

We have signed up to the kingdom of God. We are part of the family of God, and families can be messy. We are called to walk worthy of our calling, and at times, this walking is through the valley of the shadow of death.

And then there is the mess that is not so much about wrong things being done, but about all the requirements associated with extending the kingdom of God. Whether it be running or involved in a church, a business or a ministry, increase comes with the much that needs to be done.

So, my prayer today is this:

“Father, help us to rightly see what is needed in order to walk in Your intended increase and fruitfulness. May we have Your grace and wisdom in order to keep in step what Your Holy Spirit.”

Like Jesus, may we also keep our eyes on the joy that is set before us.

#5755 – Build Your House

Good morning people who have a heart to build up your family relationships.

Proverbs 14:1 MEV Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.

This verse is highlighting what a wise woman will do in her house. While honouring the intention of the scripture and the culture in which it was written, I also want to share this principle for every person; young and old, male and female.

In a family environment, do you build up your house or do you pull it down?

It’s a good question.

In Paul’s writing to the family of God, he often exhorts the believers to build up others with what they say and in how they live. This is equally true in natural families too.

Here’s how Jesus said it in the Book of Matthew:

Matthew 7:12 NIV So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

What could things look like if we lived this way in every relationship?

If we wouldn’t want it done to us, let’s not do it to others.

If we wouldn’t want it said to us, let’s not say it to others.

May our lives be characterised by building others up.

#5754 – Discipline Early

Good morning people who follow the example of our heavenly Father.

Because Father God loves us, He disciplines us if we get off track. He corrects and rebukes us for our own protection, and ultimately, for our freedom. God is a good Father.

So, what is the biblical instruction for us as natural parents?

Proverbs 13:24 MEV He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him early.

This verse is not too popular in the times that we live in. Unfortunately, many people have lost their minds when it comes to parenting and discipline. Now, the culture preaches that children know what is best for them. This is crazy.

When I was a child, I thought I knew what was best for me. I most definitely knew what I wanted to do. Sometimes, these desires were ok. Sometimes that most definitely were not.

Thankfully, I had parents who loved me enough – that’s right, loved me enough – to discipline me early. They didn’t wait until things escalated beyond the point of no return. Early intervention can save a lot of heartache.

I am aware that, as with most things we read in the Bible, there can be misuse and abuse. Disciplining children is no exception. Harshness and lashing out in anger is always wrong. If you have been on the receiving end of this, I pray Father heals your heart. May you feel His tenderness towards you.

Rather than react against error, once again I say that we need to reclaim the truth. And the truth is that if we don’t lovingly discipline our children, then we aren’t showing biblical love to them.

May Father lead us all in this vital truth as we seek to love like Father loves us.

#5753 – Hope in God

Good morning people who keep your constant confidence in the God of love.

Proverbs 13:12 MEV Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

Waiting for something for a long time can be extremely difficult. This may be salvation for a loved one, healing in your body or the fulfilment of a prophetic promise. There are also many other realities that can cause our hearts to struggle in the waiting.

God sees this and God cares for you. This is not a cliché – this is the truth. God cares deeply for all of His precious sons and daughters.

As I read this today, I heard the following words:

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, therefore, hope in the Lord and not in outcomes.

This doesn’t answer every question and nor does it make everything ok – I admit this. Trivialising heart sickness as a result of prolonged waiting is not what I want to do. I pray Father meets you right where you are at.

But as one who is waiting on many important things myself, I take comfort in the truth that I can hope in the Lord, yes, even in my waiting.

I heard the Lord say, when things are uncertain, go to what is certain, and that is, go to God Himself.

In a storm, my anchor is not in an answer, but it is in God Himself. Again, this is not a cliché. I am safest when I am hidden in Christ and He is my focus and my life. I need Him desperately, and so do you.

I pray you find confidence in who God is today.